Wednesday, March 25, 2020

How Do I Solve Algebra Problems?

How Do I Solve Algebra Problems?You have a few words and now you are asking 'how do I solve algebra problems'. What makes this problem so difficult is that there are more words to use than can be kept in your brain. The only way to help you is to have some help.Algebra is a math class that is used to help kids understand the principles of math. There are many different types of algebra to help your child succeed. In school you will have a variety of math problems, many of which are word problems. This is one of the easiest things to teach your child. However, there are still problems that can get stuck in their head.You might think that you can do algebra yourself, but this may not be so easy for you. There are so many different types of problems that you will face in algebra that you need to come up with something quick and easy for your child. Many parents believe that they can just sit down with their child and try to figure out an equation.But is this possible? It is hard to know the answer to this question until you have actually done it, which can be very stressful for you as well as your child.Some problems in algebra might require a lot of math that you may not be willing to spend the time on. This is why word problems come in handy. Your child can sit down with their algebra books and they can work with their 'word problem' books.As long as your child is willing to read what you are saying then they will have a great idea about algebra. They will not have to worry about the type of algebra that they need to learn. Plus, with a little help from their books they will be able to handle the 'non-word problems' in a hurry.Parents should consider using algebra help for their children to help them understand what it takes to get a good grade in algebra. If a problem is 'not one' your child will not have to suffer through. They can use their own methods to solve the problem and do not have to wait for an adult to 'solve it for them'.

Friday, March 6, 2020

SAT Subject Test Prep What You Need to Know - Private Tutoring

SAT Subject Test Prep What You Need to Know Anna L Jul 15, 2019 Part of getting ready for applying to colleges includes taking several tests, and usually requires some SAT subject test prep as well. College applications can be stressful, and they can be made even more so by deciding which of the many tests you should take in order to give yourself the best shot at acceptance and success. To many, the SAT subject test may seem like just another to test to take and get worried about. However, SAT subject tests are a great way to show off your skills and strengths to potential colleges. That being said, they still require adequate preparation. Keep reading to find out how to sky rocket your SAT test prep to get the results your are looking for. SAT Subject Test Prep How to Get the Best Results The first step in your preparation is to actually choose your subjects. The SAT subject tests are the only national admissions tests that you get to choose which topics you will take â€" so it’s wise to select subjects that showcase your strengths. Check in with your guidance counselor and teachers for their advice, but also make sure to consider these three tips as well: Your interests â€" if you like something, you are generally pretty good at it. You are also likely to be prepared to spend time revising content and practicing questions on topics that you enjoy. College requirements â€" some colleges and courses will require you to have completed a specific SAT subject test. Make sure to check if any of your schools do have requirements and what they may be. Your classroom experience â€" if you have taken the subject and completed the recommended course work, you are far more likely to succeed when taking the subject test. Some schools even have part of the course time spent on covering the tests. You Might Also Be Interested In: How to Study for the New SAT at Home â€" In a Week to a Month The SAT subject tests are offered six times within the academic year, with the exception of Languages with Learning. This test can only be taken in November. The subject tests take place on the same days as the SAT, but not all subjects tests may be offered at every center on every date. Therefore, it is wise to do your research to find out exactly when your preferred subject tests are given and where its possible to take them. You can sit for up to three subject tests on any give day, but cannot sit the SAT and an SAT subject test on the same day. Getting confused? Basically, decide what subject tests are best for you, look at the test timetable, take into consideration when you’ll be sitting the SAT, and go from there. You can find more accurate information regarding dates here. How to Decide When to Take SAT Subject Tests Aside from any restrictions due to test availability, you totally have free choice as to when you can sit your SAT subject tests. Naturally, there are many factors to consider, so here are three tips: Take the test as soon as possible after you have completed the course and all the recommended work. This is because all the information is fresh in your mind, and you can get the test out of the way in order to focus on the many other tests you will need to take. The only exception here are languages. Thats not a test to take after one year of studying the language. Keep working on your language skills for a couple of years to really refine your understanding   in order to successfully take the test. Make sure you meet any application deadlines. Some colleges have different deadlines, especially if you are applying for early action. Do your research early to allow yourself time to prepare for the test, take it AND have the schools receive it before they review your application. Check you calendar! Work around existing commitments. Take into account any major sporting tournaments, other tests and general coursework, and even social engagements! Planning ahead is key to allowing yourself enough time, spread your workload across the whole year to avoid any unnecessary stress. The Best Subject Test Preparation Every student studies and learns differently, which means there is no ‘one size fits all’ model when it comes to test preparation. However, there are a few general hints and tips that seem to work for just about everybody. Here they are: Hire a tutor â€" if you’ve heard it once, you’ve heard it a thousand times! A tutor is an invaluable way to get the extra support, and sometimes motivation, you need to to succeed on a test. Find a qualified tutor that specializes in the SAT subject tests that you are sitting. Don’t be afraid to shop around to find one that suits both your learning style and your budget. For a comprehensive list of SAT subject   test tutors in your area, check out Private Tutoring at Home. Make the most of your textbooks â€" because the content covered in the SAT subject tests is based on the content covered in your high school courses, you can easily use your existing textbooks to review. This is a good way to save money as you don’t have to buy extra any extra resources. Understand the format and topics covered in each test â€" your tutor will be able to help you here, but you can also check out information on each subject that you are considering Use an SAT subject test prep book â€" when working on your own, using an SAT subject test prep book provides an easy-to-use and cost-effective resource. They are most suited to students who are motivated and can work independently. So make sure that you are up for the independent study and will put the time in that’s needed for the exam preparation. To get the most out of test prep books, you need to be prepared to go through your answers and figure out where you went wrong. This can be tricky to do on your own, so it is best to use the books in conjunction with a tutor. Complete as many practice tests or quizzes as you can â€" These are one of the best ways to really understand the format and style of questions asked. They can provide some of the best SAT subject test preparation, but only when used properly. If you simply complete the test (in timed conditions, of course) you will only marginally improve your results. You need to go through your answers carefully in order to understand where you went wrong and how to improve next time. Some independent learners can do this, others may need the use if a teacher or tutor to really thrive. Preparing for, and sitting, the SAT subject tests should now be a breeze! Use these hints and tips and success is all yours! Find the Best Private Tutors At Reasonable Rates - Get Real Results Fast! Choose Your Subject - Add Your Zip Code - Find Top Rated Tutors Today InPerson or Online Online InPerson

Tax timeout tax responsibilities for teachers heading overseas to teach

Tax timeout tax responsibilities for teachers heading overseas to teach It’s tax time, and for many people, this isn’t their favorite time of the year. We understand that it can be especially challenging for American teachers who have been teaching overseas to navigate their income taxes for the year. Understanding Expat Tax isn’t an easy feat. And as one of the few countries in the world that actively pursues taxes, Americans won’t be able to avoid a US tax debt while living and teaching overseas.One thing to note is that the United States has tax treaties with more than 42 countries, which means that the IRS and the tax agencies in these foreign countries exchange tax data on American citizens abroad. All US citizens are obliged to file and pay US income taxes, regardless of where they live in the world. This is unique to the United States - it is the only industrialized nation where overseas citizens must pay taxes, even if they are also paying overseas taxes.Your best best is to review the tax guide for American citizens living abroad, put to gether by the IRS. But we’re sharing some general information below for your reference and some ways that you can minimize the impact of income tax laws on your earnings.Tips for reducing your income tax liabilityAs we stated above, all American citizens are expected to file a tax return, there are several tax benefits that American teachers heading overseas may benefit from in order to reduce the amount of taxes that they owe. Those interested in taking advantage of these tax benefits, however, must satisfy either the physical presence test or bona fide residence test.Foreign Earned Income Exclusion (FEIE)If you were living in a foreign country for the year and you were physically present there for at least 330 days during the 12 months, a significant portion of your income can be excluded from your US taxable income.  There are also partial-rear exclusions for those teachers who move halfway through a calendar year.Moving expensesYou are eligible to deduct your moving expenses from your tax return if you maintain employment overseas for 39 weeks in the new location. What can be included in your moving expenses? Anything reasonable, says the IRS. This means transportation like flights, lodgings like hotels, household goods and personal effects, and storage for your things.Foreign housing allowance If your employer has included your accommodations in your overseas teaching contract, it may be tax-free if it meets all of the necessary requirements, according to the IRS:• It is provided on the employer's business premise.• It is furnished for the convenience of the employer.• You are required to accept the lodging as a condition of employment.Foreign tax creditGenerally, citizens are protected from paying tax on the same income in two different countries. Consequently, the foreign tax credit provides Americans with a dollar-for-dollar credit for any taxes that they have paid on their foreign-earned income in foreign countries.For more detailed informati on, American citizens should consult the IRS website. The information we’ve included here is not exhaustive nor complete, but includes a few important details for American teachers teaching overseas who are looking to file their taxes for 2014. We encourage teachers to consider seeking a tax professional’s advice, and especially one who is experienced with expatriate returns.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

iApprove App Aids in College Dating Scene

iApprove App Aids in College Dating Scene via Using a consent app like iApprove is one of many tips given to college freshmen from upperclassmen. Other tips include: Choose a neutral place for the first meeting. - If youre using dating apps to meet people, its important that you choose a neutral meeting place. Consider Starbucks or the library a public place with lots of traffic in case things get hairy. Think about what you do and do not want in a college relationship. - Consider what youre looking for in a college relationship. If you didnt date much in high school, now is probably the time for you to explore. But maybe you like to be committed, and dating one person is what youre looking for. This should be established  before  you enter the college dating scene. Actually talk to each other. - Communication is key when it comes to dating in college. Playing games isnt fun for anyone. Don’t get wasted.   - Though this may seem obvious, you may not know how tough it is to draw clear lines in the sand when intoxicated. Making decisions about dating while drunk is never a good idea. Think twice about dating roommates’ friends.   - Dating the friends of roommates can be awkward if things dont work out. Consider all the downfalls of dating the friends of your roommates  before  you accept their invitation to a movie. Avoid ghosting. - This is one of the most immature ways to handle dating in college. This isnt high school anymore. You owe it to the person youve been seeing to communicate that youre no longer interested. By being clear and transparent about your relationship and needs â€" and making sure your partner is on the same page â€" youll be able to feel more comfortable and actually enjoy dating. “When you feel confident that you’ve gotten the hard-to-discuss stuff out of the way, you can focus on getting to know each other,” Elizabeth says. “That tension about consent and ‘will we or won’t we’ goes away. It makes dating much more fun â€" the way it should be.”

How To Read And Use Job Postings To Your Advantage

How To Read And Use Job Postings To Your Advantage 1. Be a little flashier. The first thing to know about an online, widely available job posting is that it is probably receiving a lot of applicants. Most companies will look around by asking personal connections and professional connections before turning to the internet. This means that if you want your application to get noticed, it might need to be a little flashier than it was before. Don’t be afraid to download a template or completely revamp the look of your resume. The recruiters are most likely sick and tired of Times New Roman. You want yours to stand out if you’re shooting for an interview. 2. Look for keywords. Another easy way to find the best job for you through job postings is to look for keywords. You may not find the absolutely perfect dream job, but you can find a few you might be perfect for. This means that you’ll need to evaluate your skill-set and what skills matter most to you. If you love working with people, look for words like “teamwork,” “people-oriented” and “communication.” Essentially, just look for a few words that are commonly used and search for them when looking for jobs. They might lead you to some postings that you might not have considered, but are actually great for. 3. Streamline toward your goal. Once you’ve found one, or a couple, job postings that you’re interested in, make sure to analyze the content given in the posting. The posting will hold key information that can help you make or break your application. Once you’ve checked out what exactly they’re looking for, you can tailor your experiences to fit the job. If the job calls for research, you may want to input the time you volunteered at a science camp rather than a job you held at the local sandwich shop. Find which experiences and qualities you have that best highlight your strongest skill-sets. 4. Read requirements first. A good way to waste your time on job postings is to read an entire listing, get very excited about it, and then realize you’re under-qualified. Most job postings will put their requirements at the bottom of the page, even though they’re the most important. When searching and scouring job postings on the internet, scroll down and read the job requirements before reading the rest of the listing. This prevents you tons of reading time wasted on jobs you aren’t suited for. Now, keep in mind that not all job requirements are as black and white as they seem. If you have a strong majority of them and are only lacking in one area, you may still be able to land the job. You just have to make sure to address it correctly and make sure you’re superior in the rest of the areas. If a job listing seems great but doesn’t have the requirements listed, send a quick email to the company rather than waste your time applying for something you may not be adept for. 5. Look at the language. Another great way to capitalize on the nature of the job posting is to pay attention to the language used in the post. This will give you large hints as to what the recruiters are like and what the company is like in general. If you’re very laid back and humorous, you may not want to apply somewhere that reads super strict and instead apply for a job that seems more casual and right for you. The same goes for the opposite. This can then change the style and language of your own application into what seems correlative to the company. If your application already seems like it’s a good fit for them, you’re way more likely to score the interview and the job. However, don’t bet that the posting is exactly how the company is some places will post very stiff sounding jobs that aren’t in actuality. The language doesn’t necessarily mean you should rule someone out, but it may help you find some that might be better for you and save time. Hopefully these tips will help you look in the right places for a job that’s perfect for you. If you’ve found a great listing, some of these may even help you land the job. The internet is a wonderful resource for job hunting if you know how to use it.

5 Part-Time Jobs You Never Considered

5 Part-Time Jobs You Never Considered UBER drivers can range in age.Image via UBER allows you to work on your own time with no commitment or deadlines. Drivers choose what times and what days they want to work. The ability to set your own schedule is crucial for college students. Driver requirements oblige applicants to be at least 21, own a 2000 car or newer, and pass a background check. Depending on the city, the UBER car may have to be at least a 2005 model. In addition, all drivers are required to have some form of insurance. Most commercial driving jobs necessitate their drivers to get a Commercial Driver’s License. Getting a CDL means taking classes that cost anywhere from $100-$300+. A college student would not be able to afford such a program. With UBER, this is not the case. Driving for UBER is a cheap, flexible option to make money while in school. The only drawbacks are the age requirement and whether or not you have a car. Independent Sales Consultant Freelancing for companies is an attractive option for working in college. Freelancing means you are self-employed and temporarily work for a business. If you are into retail, but do not want to sit behind a register or fold clothes all day, this is the job for you. Securing a client is easy because you already self-provide computer access and transportation. Businesses typically offer commission between 10 and 25 percent, which is better than minimum wage for serving food to your classmates. Like the social media assistant, potential workers will need experience with technology and communications. You must also be able to deal with frequent rejection. Despite being repeatedly turned down, sales consultants should always be kind, enthusiastic, polite, and motivated. The job is harder than it looks. The company Vector Marketing offers students sales jobs with flexible schedules. Future workers have to complete a three-day training session prior to starting. However, it is important to take into consideration that not all companies provide sales jobs compatible with college students. Do some research before applying. Fitness Instructor All campuses have a gym open to students, so why not work and exercise at the same time? If you already visit the gym regularly and take fitness classes, you can do the same thing, just earning some cash in return. Since the job is through the school, the hours are arranged around your class schedule. Pay is usually around $10-$15, well above minimum wage. The only catch is that fitness instructors have to be certified. Depending on the program you participate in, becoming certified can become expensive. Look up and compare different programs before joining. Instructors can teach all sorts of classes covering exercises like aerobics, yoga, or cycling.Image via Once you are good to go, instructors can also teach private classes, earning you double the money. Not only is the job flexible and potentially high paying, you are getting in better shape every time you work. Athletic Team Manager An interest in sports can open the door for becoming a student assistant or manager for your college’s football, basketball, or soccer team. The options are endless. Your week typically means spending 20-40 hours with the sports program you work for. Managers attend all practices and games, proving to be vital to the team’s function. Jobs range from refereeing during practice, clock keeping, and recording players’ stats. Luckily, most teams have more than one manager so the tasks are split up. Even during the off-season, student managers play a role in recruitment. They also help condition the existing players to keep them in shape. It really is a year-round job. Depending on the college you attend, managing may be only voluntary. Do some research to find out how much the wage is.

What Makes The Quark Chemistry System So Effective?

What Makes The Quark Chemistry System So Effective?The Quark Chemistry System is the brainchild of John Greenwood, an extremely accomplished educator who has spent many years studying the sciences and teaching the subject. Mr. Greenwood has discovered that what a teacher really needs to teach is not what is most important, but what could be the best way to introduce the subject to students.In order to help teachers move beyond the task of being a light reading material, Mr. Greenwood came up with a system for teaching science which could change the way people look at the subject. A large part of the Quark Chemistry System is the fact that it is not just the subjects that are taught, but the way the subjects are taught.It is not just the methods that are taught, but the person who teach the methods. The Quark Chemistry System employs an innovative approach, which means that not only is the instructor important, but the student as well.It also utilizes a system that provides the studen ts with the tools they need to understand the subject. This in turn allows the students to grow in their understanding and experience a growing connection to the subject. In this way, the student will learn how to think like an engineer and ultimately become an engineer himself.This means that a good teacher can't just be one who can teach the material to their students, but that it also requires the ability to interact and explain what is being taught. The Quark Chemistry System accomplishes this by utilizing four different styles of teaching:You see, the philosophy behind the Quark Chemistry System is that the more interactive the learning process, the more successful the student will be in learning. That is what all teachers are striving for, but we rarely see it happen. The reason for this is that most students simply want the courses to be so simple that they can comprehend them right away, when in fact the lessons are not as simple as they seem. All in all, the Quark Chemistry System is a great example of the interplay between teaching and learning. The system has helped teach the subject to thousands of students and is sure to lead to more success as time goes on.